

Pictures from Romania

Day 1     Day 2     Day 3     Day 4     Day 5     Day 6
Day 7     Day 8     Day 9     Day 10   Day 11   Day 12   Day 13   Day 14   Day 15

Day 7

We are almost ready for the people of Cuvin.

Don cuts Coronel's hair.

Lunch is always a great time of fellowship.

They have their own version of volleyball.

Mike's famous animal sounds are always a hit with the younger kids.

These are kids that were long-time-ago fans of his entertainment.

Three of my good friends.

Lois has found a friend as well.

The mandolin group is always special.

Our group still has energy to spare.

Our group shares their testimonies. Kailee starts us out.

Followed by Johnny.

Then Ghita from the Gypsy village in Arad.

Lois shares.

We get a real treat when the people of Cuvin decide to share their testimonies.

And it continues.

What a great day it has been.
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