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Romania Missions

Participating in mission trips allows our staff and their team the opportunity to develop life-long friendships in churches and communities worldwide. These trips also provide an opportunity to explore the needs and resources of the ministers, their congregations, and their communities.

Pictures from Romania

Day 1     Day 2     Day 3     Day 4     Day 5     Day 6
Day 7     Day 8     Day 9     Day 10   Day 11   Day 12   Day 13   Day 14   

Videos from Romania

Although "dazed and confused,"we arrive in Budapest and are missing only one trunk (hopefully a very short        and temporary loss).

But we pull it together and wait for our driver's arrival.

We stop before we cross the border and have some Hungarian goulash.

Trey and Cayton still have travel energy available.

We arrive at our host home, and Mike gives us preliminary instructions for the next day.

Romania Videos


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